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New firmware 3.0.16 for RK2x and RM2x Routers

Luca Begnini    Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024

New features of the new firmware, which includes Runtime 13.6, include: support for the new discovery tool, improved throughput, and configuration import/export.

The new tool UBIQUITY Device Discovery, released with UBIQUITY 13.6, facilitates discovery and configuration of UBIQUITY devices on the local network including RK2x/RM2x Routers. This tool, is accessible from UBIQUITY Manager by going to Tools > Device Setup or if the UBIQUITY Manager Tools are already installed it is available in the Windows start menu.

The throughput of the RK2x/RM2x Routers has been doubled from 7Mbps to 14Mbps enabling faster transfers and time savings.

The new Maintenance section includes an Import/Export feature for device configuration settings. Users can export their configuration to a JSON file and import it back when needed, for example setting up a new device or replacing hardware.

UBIQUITY 13.6 improved User Experience

Luca Begnini    Freitag, 12. April 2024

We are pleased to announce the release of UBIQUITY 13.6, which introduces several enhancements and new features to improve your experience.

In the UBIQUITY Manager, the Domain View now has a reduced padding and improved the device information panel, which now shows data in two columns. The right side menu has been made more navigable, and the left navigation menu can now be collapsed to maximize the work area. We have also added the ability to easily copy the reachable IP addresses and double-click functionality to initiate an Interactive Access or VPN connection.

The latest version of the Interactive Access tool now allows users to reconnect to disconnected devices with greater ease. Furthermore, the VPN throughput on RK2x/RM2x routers has been doubled, resulting in enhanced download and upload speeds (requires firmware with Runtime 13.6.125).

Furthermore, the online help has been completely renewed to align with the latest features, enhancing user comprehension and reducing the learning curve for new users.

We are confident that these new features will enhance your experience with UBIQUITY, making it more efficient and enjoyable. Thank you for your trust, and enjoy working with the new release of UBIQUITY!

IEC 62443 certification renewal

Luca Begnini    Donnerstag, 14. März 2024

UBIQUITY has successfully renewed its IEC 62443-3-3 and 62443-4-2 security certification.

IEC 62443 is an international standard for industrial control system security that emphasizes safeguarding against cyber threats and system vulnerabilities.

The renewal of UBIQUITY 13.5 certification highlights ASEM's ongoing commitment to providing a reliable product that conforms to the industry's highest security standards.

Certified UBIQUITY runtimes, can be found in the "Certified" tab of the Download section,

while the document with the certification is available in the "Documents" dei Download section.

For more information on IEC 62443 certification and how UBIQUITY can provide secure, simple, and versatile remote access, please do not hesitate to contact us.

New firmware 3.0.15 for RK2x and RM2x Routers

Luca Begnini    Montag, 8. Januar 2024

The firmware update for RK2x Routers, which includes Ubiquity Runtime 13.5, introduces the Local Connection, the ability to create 1:1 NAT rules and update firmware via the System Manager web interface.

The Local Connection allows you to take full advantage of all UBIQUITY features even on a local network without Internet access. Thanks to this innovation, you can now:

  1. Access via VPN to the automation network during the development and commissioning of machines integrating an RK2x/RM2x Router.
  2. Use UBIQUITY to connect to field machines integrating an RK2x/RM2x Router, even when an end-customer-supplied third-party VPN is required.

NAT 1:1 is like intelligent Port Forwarding, which routes all incoming traffic on one of the WAN port IP addresses directly to a device on the LAN automation network, regardless of the protocol used. This means that a device in the automation network (a PLC, a Drive etc) can now be assigned to a specific IP address on the customer's IT network without the need to manage multiple ports and protocols. A significant advantage is when the device exposes multiple services.

Further new, is the ability to update firmware via the System Manager web interface. This mode is in addition to the three existing ones that remain valid: via USB, via Ubiquity network by scheduling the update, and via Ubiquity by manually transferring the file to the Router.

UBIQUITY 13.5 Local Connection and End of Development for Windows based Control Center

Luca Begnini    Dienstag, 14. November 2023

The release of version 13.5 of UBIQUITY, represents a significant moment for us and your user experience: the Windows-based Control Center reaches the End of Development phase. This means that there will be no further evolutionary development for this desktop application, but we want to assure you that we will continue to provide support and maintenance to ensure a smooth experience for you.

The Web version of Control Center https://ubiquity.asem.it/controlcenter has already been enhanced thanks to your valuable feedback and offers a revamped interface and an improved user experience. We, therefore, encourage you to start the migration now to ensure a smooth transition and benefit from future new features.

UBIQUITY Runtime 13.5 also officially introduces support for the Ubuntu22 Linux OS, replacing the previous Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20. This support is not just a technical update, but a definite step toward aligning UBIQUITY with FT Optix from the standpoint of supported Linux distribution.

In this release, we also introduced the Local Connection that allows you to take full advantage of all UBIQUITY features even on a local network without Internet access. Thanks to this innovation, you can now:

  1. Connect via Remote Desktop to iPC or OptixPanel, enjoying advanced features such as chat, file transfer and process management, overcoming the limitations of VNC.
  2. Access via VPN to the automation network during the development and commissioning of machines integrating iPC, OptixPanel or RK2x Router.
  3. Use UBIQUITY to connect to field machines integrating iPCs, OptixPanels, or RK2x Routers, even when an end-customer-supplied third-party VPN is required.

NOTE: OptixPanels and RK2x Routers enable Local Connection with a firmware upgrade that will be available soon.

UBIQUITY 13.4 Control Center Web optimization

Luca Begnini    Freitag, 23. Juni 2023

This new release 13.4, in addition to security updates, includes several optimizations of the Web version of Control Center. For example, the desktop access button has been improved, Routing Rules have been made visible in the window showing the VPN connection information. And again, during the connection phase, the popup in the lower right corner has been replaced by a loading bar, the reachable IP Addresses via VPN are shown more clearly in the device information box, usability for those accessing via Tablet has been improved, and now not only the number of active connections but also those available by license are shown in the upper right corner.

Platform enhancement

Luca Begnini    Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023

In this 13.3.540 update we have reworked some of the technical foundations of UBIQUITY that pave the way for future features and improvements, as well as including GUI improvements.

Remote serial port update and new features on Routers

Luca Begnini    Donnerstag, 30. März 2023

The release of 13.3 hotfix includes the update of the virtual serial port driver, the update of PHMI 5.1.1183.172 on RK/RM1x Routers, and the introduction of DHCP Server and DNS Server functionality on the LAN for RK/RM2x Routers.

UBIQUITY 13.3 Active Directory integration

Luca Begnini    Mittwoch, 2. November 2022

With the release of version 13.3, a Ubiquity domain can be configured to use an external identity provider of the OpenID Connect type, such as Azure AD, Auth0, and so on. Integration with the identity provider allows external management of both authentication, for instance user login, and authorization, for example the management of permissions within the domain (via group membership).

At the domain level, then, you can choose whether to activate Authentication only or both Authentication & Authorization. At the user level, on the other hand, you can have a mixed solution: some users authenticate through the external identity provider while others authenticate using Ubiquity's native authentication.

NOTE: Integration requires a feasibility study first and is only available for domains with an annual subscription license (Ubiquity X)

Remote USB and Windows XP obsolescence

Luca Begnini    Dienstag, 30. August 2022

From today Ubiquity Runtime (as already happened with the Control Center Desktop application) say goodbye to the Windows XP operating system. From release 13.2.673 will no longer be supported.

This new version also brings the official release of the Remote USB functionality that allows you to remotely access a device connected via USB to the system running UBIQUITY Runtime (feature not available for WinCE and Windows 7 operating systems).

VoIP for Augmented Reality

Luca Begnini    Mittwoch, 9. Februar 2022

The Augmented Reality App called UBIQUITY AR (included in UBIQUITY X) and the Control Center Web now integrates VoIP communication, which allows users to talk to each other while interacting with the Augmented Reality App.

Using this new feature is simple: once you have logged in to your domain in the Control Center Web, just connect to the operator's Smartphone/Tablet. Automatically the scene framed with the camera will be immediately visible remotely, allowing you to also activate voice communication by simply selecting the microphone icon.

Ubiquity Runtime updates

Luca Begnini    Montag, 29. November 2021

Ubiquity Runtime has been updated with a restyling of the UI to improve the user experience and to align with the style of the Control Center Web and Ubiquity Tools.

Furthermore, Ubiquity Runtime is now also compatible with Ubuntu 20 which joins the already supported Debian 10 distribution.

Extension of NAT functionality

Luca Begnini    Montag, 18. Oktober 2021

On Ubiquity-based embedded devices RK2x, RM2x and DM2x it is now possible to configure source NAT (SNAT) rules in addition to the ability to configure destination NAT (DNAT) rules.

While the DNAT is used to make a device on the LAN (automation network) reachable for incoming connections from the WAN (internet/customer network), the source NAT makes it possible to make a device present in the WAN (internet/customer network) to connections from the LAN network (automation network).

The functionality is also included within the Ubiquity Runtime Pro Router license, that is optional for HMI and WP operator panels.

Control Center Web

Luca Begnini    Montag, 20. September 2021

Control Center, which has always been available as a Windows application, is now also available via the Web, allowing you to access your domain via https://ubiquity.asem.it/controlcenter

The Web version brings a new interface that improves the user experience and integrates all the Ubiquity features through the support of Ubiquity Tools (compatible with Windows OS) that are downloaded, installed and executed when a VPN connection is established.

Remote Desktop connection to HMI devices or PCs equipped with Ubiquity Runtime is also guaranteed by accessing the Control Center Web from Smartphone and Tablet or without using Ubiquity Tools.

Finally, thanks to the counter at the top right, it’s always possible to keep an eye on the total number of concurrent connections active with the devices of your domain.

Thursday 29 July maintenance of the server infrastructure

Simone Mori    Dienstag, 27. Juli 2021

On Thursday, July 29, 2021, from 07:00 to 08:00 (CET), we have scheduled a maintenance activity of the UBIQUITY server infrastructure. During this time the connectivity services may not be available.

Change of administration rights for subdomains

CorradoPavan    Montag, 12. April 2021

In order to provide a better security management through the use of user profiling, starting from Ubiquity 12.1.44 a new feature is available to manage in a granular way the permissions of administrators of subdomains, very useful to divide the domain into areas with different administration responsibilities.

With the latest version of Ubiquity a subdomain administrator can't change the permissions granted by the domain administrator and can only create users with the same permissions. This prevents local administrators from having free choice over the permissions of the users they create.

As a result of this change, you may be required to change the permissions assigned to current subdomain administrators by the domain administrator.

Previously, to create a subdomain administrator it was sufficient to create a user and grant him/her the permissions "Access users" and "Manage users". Now it is necessary to specify also what other rights this type of users can manage.

Saturday 13 February maintenance of the server infrastructure

Simone Mori    Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2021

On Saturday, February 13, 2021, from 08:30 to 12:30 (CET), we have scheduled a maintenance activity of the UBIQUITY server infrastructure. During this time the connectivity services may not be available.

UBIQUITY X Advanced Connectivity Services

Corrado Pavan    Montag, 14. Dezember 2020

With the release of UBIQUITY 12, UBIQUITY X is now supported.

UBIQUITY X is the new SaaS business model that involves subscribing to an advanced connectivity services package that bundles old and new advanced capabilities.

Advanced connectivity services include some familiar functionalities:

- Audit of connections and Domain administration activities

- Subdomain management with the ability to create subdirectory administrators

- Geolocation of field devices on a geographical map

- Authorization for incoming connection to IPC systems by the technician operating the machine.

Besides, there are important new features that characterize the new proposal:

- Tele-assistance via augmented reality through the UBIQUITY AR app

- Availability of a complete set of Web APIs for the integration of UBIQUITY services in third-party applications, thus opening up opportunities for digital transformation typical of Industry 4.0

- VPN connections from mobile devices through the UBIQUITY VPN app

- Assistance request service through which the operator in the field, with a simple click, can notify the technicians in charge of the need to receive support.

UBIQUITY Runtime now available for Debian 10 Linux

Corrado Pavan    Freitag, 6. November 2020

With the release of UBIQUITY 12, UBIQUITY Runtime is now available for Debian 10 Linux systems. UBIQUITY enhances its cross-platform offering by making UBIQUITY Runtime available as a .deb package to be installed on systems based on the Debian 10 Linux operating system.

The stable version is available in the download area. The installation is done from the command line using the Advanced Packaging Tool (APT). After the installation UBIQUITY Runtime can be run automatically as a service at boot time of the system on which it is installed.

UBIQUITY Runtime for Linux Debian 10 requires the graphical manager X11.

Request for Assistance End of trial period

Simone Mori    Freitag, 16. Oktober 2020

With the release of UBIQUITY 11.6 of April 2020, the "Request for assistance" feature was released on Windows 32/64 Systems in "feature preview mode".

The "Request for assistance" button, found in the UBIQUITY Runtime window, sends an email to a default recipient and it makes the pending request of help visible using a popup.

The trial period for this feature for its free evaluation has concluded and upon the termination of scheduled developments for its completion, the function will be proposed in a new commercial environment.

Request for Assistance

Simone Mori    Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2020

Timeliness is a key element when a request for assistance is made by clients and end-users of automatic machines. Operators, maintenance workers, and plant managers must be able to access assistance channels through clear and immediate channels.

UBIQUITY 11.6.023 introduces, in experimental mode, the possibility of requesting for assistance using a command easily accessible from the HMI interface of a machine. After pressing the “Request for Assistance” button, an email will be sent to the default recipients defined by the administrator of the UBIQUITY domain thus making the pending request visible in Control Center in a pop-up.

Dedicated technical staff can then be able to intervene to minimize waiting times. The instructions of configuration and use are available in the online manual.

Deprecation of UBIQUITY Control Center SDK

Simone Mori    Freitag, 7. Februar 2020

UBIQUITY Control Center exposes an SDK in the form of a C# .NET assembly that allows developing alternative applications for executing actions that are normally performed by users interactively on Control Center.

Depending on future developments based on web technologies, Control Center SDK will not undergo any further changes and it will be supported and available for all domains created before 1st November 2019. Control Center will not be available for domains created after said date.

Reconnecting to Server in case of connectivity loss

Simone Mori    Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2020

UBIQUITY version 11.4.018 for Routers and Windows is now available. This version corrects an occasional connectivity problem that occurred in case of a temporary Internet connectivity loss.

We remind you that an on-field update of devices can be scheduled directly from Control Center.

In case the devices to be updated are offline due to the previously mentioned conditions, restarting them is sufficient to restore their connectivity so they can be updated.

Introducing support for link local addresses

Simone Mori    Freitag, 10. Januar 2020

In a computer network, a link-local address is a network address valid only for the communication of devices within the network segment or to the broadcast domain to which the host is connected. Link-local addresses are most often assigned automatically through a process known as "auto-configuration of link-local addresses".

Link-local addresses for IPv4 are defined in the address block.

With UBIQUITY 11.4 Beta, if the automation network uses the aforementioned class of addresses, the UBIQUITY VPN adapter will automatically assign itself an address compatible with the network based on the specifications provided by the link-local protocol.

Automatic Identification of Connection Parameters

Simone Mori    Mittwoch, 13. November 2019

Have you ever been in a situation where you have to enter a new SIM card information in a UBIQUITY router system with integrated 3G/4G?

Cellular communication requires modems to be configured with a parameter named "APN" or Access Point Name. This parameter identifies the internet access point that has to be used, in conjunction with the operator with which a contract has been made. This information is often hard to get and documented poorly.

With the most recent version of UBIQUITY 11.2, these problems are solved automatically with the latest function "Automatic APN Configuration". This function allows the seamless configuration of the APN by the router, greatly simplifying the use of the system. Control Center and updated firmware for UBIQUITY are downloadable in the download area and from the automatic update.

Device side Connection Authorization

Simone Mori    Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2019

In the latest Beta 11.1 (available for download) it is now possible to enable an additional security level on a device. It is possible to configure UBIQUITY Runtime so it asks interactively for confirmation of incoming connections from Control Center.

This configuration is done on a per-device basis at the domain level using Control Center.

To enhance the fact that remote assistance is in session, we have introduced a new widget that is always on top of all other windows. It is also possible to interrupt an active remote session from this widget at any moment.

This function is available for Win32 Runtimes and it requires an update of both the Runtime and Control Center.


Simone Mori    Donnerstag, 26. September 2019

We are happy to announce the release of the beta version of UBIQUITY 11.

UBIQUITY 11 is full of interesting new features.

We now support the virtualization of the USB port of remote devices. You’ll be able to give assistance on any kind of device that uses a USB port as a communication interface. This feature is available on the new RK2x Router series, on x86 devices with the Windows operating system and on the newly released HMI50 panel series.

To keep you updated on any news about UBIQUITY, you can now find a convenient news section on the right side of Control Center when you open it. Check it frequently to be updated on the development stream of UBIQUITY.

The user manual of UBIQUITY is now really online. The Help menu of UBIQUITY Control Center now redirects you directly to UBIQUITY’s web site, always giving you access to the latest version of the documentation.

For more details, please check the changelog of the new version on the download page.

Introducing UNIQLOUD

Alberto Riccio    Montag, 27. Mai 2019

UNIQLOUD is the name of the ASEM's Cloud platform that includes and supports the UBIQUITY teleassistance service, identity, and device management.

All the existing UBIQUITY domains have been automatically extended to UNIQLOUD domains and automatically support all the new services and functionality.

Today, the integration and rollout of all the users and domain for the product sites of UBIQUITY and UNIQLOUD have been completed successfully. These sites now allow the creation, correct management, and authentication, including a second security factor, of UNIQLOUD users and domains. Authenticating with a UNIQLOUD user unlocks access to reserved functionality.

Access to the Help and Download sections require authentication (contact asem@asem.it to request access). All UBIQUITY related content is available without authentication.