UBIQUITY Manager authentication

When you access the UBIQUITY Manager through the https://ubiquity.asem.it/controlcenter/login link, a domain login screen appears. You can access the UBIQUITY Manager in two ways, by selecting either Domain/Username or E-mail at the top of the login screen:

  1. By entering your domain name in the related field, followed by your user name and password:
    • The domain name
    • The user name
    • The user's password
  2. By entering your email in the related field, followed by your password:
    • The e-mail
    • The password
    Note: Make sure that your email is validated before selecting this option. See Create a user account to learn more about how to get an email validated.

Note: If you do not have a domain yet, see Create or join a domain to learn more about this subject.

Once the credentials are accepted, you will be directed to the UBIQUITY Manager main view.

Two-Factor authentication

You can set up a Two-factor authentication to access UBIQUITY Manager. See Two-Factor authentication for further information on this subject.