Create or join a domain
You can create a domain or request to join an existing domain, regardless of whether you have a UBIQUITY account.
Create a domain
Before creating a domain, you need to create a user account.
- Access UBIQUITY at this website:
- Select Register a new Account.
- Enter the required information as they are prompted, such as First name, Last name and E-mail address. During the user account creation, you can optionally require to get your email validated. Nevertheless, email validation is mandatory if you wish to access your user account through your email address.
Important: Domain names shall be unique and cannot be changed once created.
- Flag the I want to specify UBIQUITY Domain option to create a new domain.
- Once you have accessed the user profile, select the domain tab.
- When you log on to your domain, enter the username of your email in the Username field by the first access. You can change the username as needed through the User profile section of the UBIQUITY Manager (at the top right).
- To create any user accounts, groups or folders, access the Add resource (circled plus) button to open the context menu next to a folder.
Note: See Create a user account for further information on this subject.Note: See UBIQUITY Manager overview and related entities for further information on how to use buttons and icons for users configuration in the UBIQUITY Manager.
section and select the
Tip: You can create multiple users with administration rights and use the admin user name as a backup user account.
Note: See Create a user account for further information on this subject.
Join a domain
- Access UBIQUITY at this website:
- Select Register a new Account.
- Enter the required information as they are prompted, such as First name, Last name and E-mail address. During the user account creation, you can optionally require to get your email validated. Nevertheless, email validation is mandatory if you wish to access your user account through your email address.
- Flag the I want to specify UBIQUITY Domain option.
- Select Next.
- Enter the name of the domain that you wish to join in the related field.
- Select Next.
- Enter a password and repeat it for confirmation.
- Select Finish.
- The domain administrator receives an email notifying them that you requested to join their domain. They may grant or deny you access to it.