UBIQUITY Manager overview and related entities

The UBIQUITY Manager is split in sections, some including panes and several entities.

The image below shows an overview of the Explorer > Domain view section as an example for completeness:

Note: Other UBIQUITY Manager sections differ from the layout shown in the Explorer > Domain view section.
Table 1. UBIQUITY Manager Overview
UBIQUITY Manager menu
Left pane (domain pane)
Online devices toggle switch
Assistance required toggle switch
Refresh button
Right pane (permission or connection pane)
Add resource menu
Interactive access button
VPN connection button
Device information pane
Entity Description


A domain is the main entity in UBIQUITY Manager consisting of a set of resources such as remote devices, users, firewall rules and permissions that can be managed remotely.

Subdomains in the UBIQUITY Manager consist of domain subfolders managed by selected users contained therein, together with any devices.
Note: See Domains and subdomains for further information on this subject.

User account

User accounts correspond to individual users that sign on to UBIQUITY Manager and use their domain to access remote devices.


A group is used to efficiently assign permissions to multiple user accounts.

Remote device

The remote device that you wish to control or assist.


A folder is a container of objects, such as devices, firewall policies, and groups. Additional folders can be added as needed.

Note: An object is placed in a folder can be moved but it cannot be stored in multiple folders simultaneously.


Resources consist of little icons located next to folders or devices in the Domain View pane that allow several actions: (from left to right):
  • Add resource (circled plus icon): This button allows the following operations:
    • Add device
    • Create folder
    • Create group
    • Create user account
    • Create firewall policy
    • Import firewall policy
  • Move (folder with arrow icon): It allows to move an object to another file path.
  • Rename (pencil icon): It allows to rename the object.
    Note: Whenever using the web client mobile version, you can rename a resource by clicking Rename on the kebab menu (three dots) on the right.
  • Delete (trash bin icon): It allows to delete the object.

Right-click context menu

In the left pane of the Domain view section, right-click next to a domain or a device row to open a context menu including a list of actions and shortcuts.


Permissions are rules applied to user accounts that allow or deny them access to folders and devices.

Firewall policies

Firewall policies are rules applied to VPN packets that control if certain protocols, ports, IP addresses are allowed or denied access to devices. Firewall policies have to be imported or defined first, then applied either directly to a single device or to folders to affect all the devices contained therein. The firewall policies applied are defined according to the user account, so different user accounts can be assigned different policies.
Note: See Firewall settings for further information on this subject.


Licenses allow users to access specific services or tasks.

Note: See Domain and Runtime licenses for further information on this subject.

Routing Rules

Set of criteria determining the path that data packets take from the source to destination across one or more networks.

Note: See Routing rules for further information on this subject.
Two more symbols are visible at the top-right corner of the webpage:
  • Circled question mark : It redirects to the UBIQUITY Manager support page.
  • User icon : It shows the logged in user and allows them to log out. It opens the User Profile section.
    Note: You can enable the Two-Factor Authentication process through the User Profile > Authentication section.