Invite users to a device

Note: This feature is available for UBIQUITY X domains only.

An Administrator user of a Runtime device can invite a user that has an UBIQUITY account to access and use that device for a specified period.


The Administrator user can revoke an invitation or change its expiration date and time. See the User permissions management section to learn more about invitations management.

In any case, the invited user will receive a notification email informing them about any changes.

Invite a user

  1. In the Explorer > Domain view or Explorer > Device view section, right click on the device.
  2. Select Invite user.
  3. A dialog box pops up. Select the user that you wish to invite and the expiration time and date for the invitation.
  4. The invited user receives an email including the invitation details.

The user is able to access the Runtime device until the specified expiration date and time.

Note: The system monitors the remaining days until the set expiry date and time, and accordingly sends notification emails to the user.