Request Assistance

Note: This feature is available for UBIQUITY X domains only.
You can determine which user accounts in your domain are allowed to receive assistance requests and for which devices. Once you have granted at least one user account in the domain to receive assistance requests, the operators of the selected remote devices can use Request Assistance from a remote device to inform the UBIQUITY Manager that intervention is required on the system.
Note: Device installer permissions are required to enable or disable the Request Assistance entry. See Domain user permissions for further information on this subject.

To enable a remote device to request assistance:

  1. Sign in to the UBIQUITY Manager domain using an administrator account.
  2. Access the Explorer > Domain view section.
  3. Select the remote device in the left pane.
  4. Scroll the right pane until you reach the Submit Assistance Requests entry and flag it.
  5. To limit the assistance time frame for security reasons, enter a date in the Expiration Date field. After that date, assistance requests for that specific remote device will no longer be permitted.

When Submit Assistance Requests is enabled on a remote device, the user operating it can click on the Request assistance button showing up on the Windows Runtime Network Connection section of the remote device to submit an assistance request.

If the domain entry The user must provide contact details when assistance is requested is enabled, the user operating the remote device will be prompted to populate the Name, Contact Information and Description fields to submit an assistance request.

Note: See UBIQUITY Manager overview and related entities to view the Assistance required toggle switch in the application.
Note: If both Require contact details when requesting assistance and Submit Assistance Requests are enabled, the user of the Runtime device can provide a comment while sending their assistance request. The text in the comment shall not include ../, because this text string might be considered as a path traversal attack.

Assistance request notifications

A user registered to the UBIQUITY Manager that is required to give assistance will be notified as follows:
  • They will receive a pop-up notification showing the assistance request.
  • They will receive an email to the account related to the concerned domain in the Assistance Request Notification Email setting.
Note: You can activate both notification options or one of them, as needed.
Note: In the Explorer > Domain view right pane, the remote devices for which Request assistance has been activated are identified with a small red bell icon.

Cancel or close an assistance request

It is possible to cancel an assistance request from Windows Runtime or close one from the UBIQUITY Manager.

An assistance request can be closed from the UBIQUITY Manager by accessing the right pane in  Explorer > Domain view and selecting Close if a resolution has been provided.

If support is no longer needed, a user can cancel the assistance request by accessing the Windows Runtime of the remote device and selecting Cancel request assitance from the Network Connection section.