Windows Runtime installation and configuration

Install and configure Windows Runtime on your device. Then, you can set up a password to allow only authorized personnel to access Runtime.

Note: See Runtime configuration for a Runtime overview.

Runtime needs to be installed on the remote devices that you wish to control remotely through the UBIQUITY Manager.

Installation requirements

Runtime can be installed on remote devices coming with the following Windows versions:

SW Requirements Operating System HW Requirements
.NET Desktop Runtime 8 x86 (distributed with the setup) Windows 10 x64 512 MB RAM, CPU 500 MHz
Windows 10 x64 IoT Enterprise
Windows 11
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2022
Note: See the link to check the latest Runtime versions supported by WinCE and Windows XP.

Runtime download, installation and start

To download Runtime for installation onto remote Windows devices, proceed as follows:

  1. Access the UBIQUITY Manager from the remote device and select Tools > Download.
  2. You will be directed to the Download section on the UBIQUITY webpage.
  3. Select the Runtime executable file to download, depending on the operating system of the remote device.
  4. After downloading the executable file, run the setup program on the remote device.
  5. You can open Runtime:
    • Through the Windows search bar.
    • By selecting the Runtime icon in the task bar.
    Tip: If enabled, you can open Runtime by clicking on the Runtime icon showing up in the little menu that opens up when you click on the arrow in the Windows taskbar next to the connection icon.
  6. After installation, Windows Runtime features its own user web page. It initially allows you to connect to network through the Home section.

  7. Configure Runtime as needed.

Password setup

To refrain unauthorized users from accessing the Runtime, you can set up a password. Once you set up a password, a browser authentication page opens when you start the Runtime.

Note: To set up a password, you need to have Admin privileges.
Note: If you do not set up a password to access the Runtime, every user can access it and land directly on the Home page.
  1. Download the UbiquityRuntimeSetup_Win32_<version>.exe installer file.
  2. Run the UbiquityRuntimeSetup_Win32_<version>.exe installer file. A Setup dialog window opens.
  3. The Set Runtime Password checkbox is flagged by default. Enter a password.

    Create a strong password to reduce cybersecurity risk.

    Your password must:
    • Be at least 8 characters long
    • Include at least three of the following requirements:
      • at least one uppercase character
      • at least one lowercase character
      • at least one numeric character
      • at least one symbolic character

    Use passphrases longer than 8 characters to enhance password strength. Strong passwords increase the time needed to guess them.

  4. To start the Runtime, click on the Runtime icon on the Windows taskbar, enter your newly configured Runtime password, then select Login.
Note: To change the password, run the UbiquityRuntimeSetup_Win32_<version>.exe installer file again.