Local connection

The Local Connection mode allows to access the Interactive Access features by connecting to a Runtime on the same LAN, without logging on the UBIQUITY Manager nor accessing internet.

In this way, you can access a device where the Runtime software is installed with a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) functionality besides additional features. Indeed, it allows to access the device automation network through a local VPN connection during both the machinery development and commissioning phases, while remaining connected to the IT network.

The Local Connection mode is supported by: Windows OS Runtime, OptixPanel™, Stratix® 4300, Embedded Edge Compute module.

Note: To establish a Local Connection with OptixPanels, routers, Embedded Edge Compute module, use their related System Manager.

You can also set up any other connection type among those available in the Interactive Access > Connection section.
Note: See Interactive Access for further information on this subject.

Local connection through Windows Runtime

To establish a Local Connection, proceed as follows:

  1. Start Windows Runtime.
  2. In the Windows Runtime pane, select the Local tab and flag the Enable local connection entry.
  3. Set a password to allow for later connection from your local device.
  4. Access the UBIQUITY Tools Local Connection from your local device.
    Note: The UBIQUITY Tools Local Connection is automatically installed onto your device, when the UBIQUITY Tools are installed. See Tools to learn more about how to download the Tools.
  5. A dialog box opens up. Enter the IP address or the device name and the password previously set in the Target device and Password fields of the dialog box.
  6. You will be prompted to accept a certificate to establish a temporary o permanent secure connection.
  7. The Interactive Access window opens up.

Local connection through OptixPanels

To establish a Local Connection, proceed as follows:

  1. Access the System Manager and select FT Remote Access from the main menu on the left.
  2. In the Local Connection section, flag the Enabled entry.
  3. In the same section, set a password to allow for later connection from your local device. Click on the Apply button.
  4. Access the UBIQUITY Tools Local Connection from your local device.
    Note: The UBIQUITY Tools Local Connection is automatically installed onto your device, when the UBIQUITY Tools are installed. See Tools to learn more about how to download the Tools.
  5. A dialog box opens up. Enter the IP address or the device name and the password previously set in the Target device and Password fields of the dialog box.
  6. You will be prompted to accept a certificate to establish a temporary o permanent secure connection.
  7. The Interactive Access window opens up.

Local connection through UBIQUITY RK2x, DM2x and RM2x routers

To establish a Local Connection, proceed as follows:

  1. Access the System Manager and select Server connection from the main menu on the left.
  2. In the Local Connection section, flag the Enabled entry.
  3. In the same section, set a password to allow for later connection from your local device. Click on the Apply button.
  4. Access the UBIQUITY Tools Local Connection from your local device.
    Note: The UBIQUITY Tools Local Connection is automatically installed onto your device, when the UBIQUITY Tools are installed. See Tools to learn more about how to download the Tools.
  5. A dialog box opens up. Enter the IP address or the device name and the password previously set in the Target device and Password fields of the dialog box.
  6. You will be prompted to accept a certificate to establish a temporary o permanent secure connection.
  7. The Interactive Access window opens up.