Introducing UNIQLOUD

Alberto Riccio    Montag, 27. Mai 2019

UNIQLOUD is the name of the Asem's Cloud platform that includes and supports the UBIQUITY teleassistance service, identity, and device management.

All the existing UBIQUITY domains have been automatically extended to UNIQLOUD domains and automatically support all the new services and functionality.

Today, the integration and rollout of all the users and domain for the product sites of UBIQUITY and UNIQLOUD have been completed successfully. These sites now allow the creation, correct management, and authentication, including a second security factor, of UNIQLOUD users and domains. Authenticating with a UNIQLOUD user unlocks access to reserved functionality.

Access to the Help and Download sections require authentication (contact to request access). All UBIQUITY related content is available without authentication.

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