Runtime and firmware update

Software updates for HMIs and IPCs, or routers are related to the operating system running on each device. In fact, a Runtime or a firmware update may be required.

Operating System and device Software update

ASEM IPCs and third party IPCs with Windows Runtime


UBIQUITY routers and OptixPanel

Firmware (Runtime, System Manager, OS image, FactoryTalk Optix)

You can update your device Runtime and firmware in two ways:
Note: The updating process may require you to automatically restart a remote device. Before planning any software or firmware update, make sure that the plant machinery is properly secured.

Manual update

  1. In UBIQUITY Manager, access the Tools > Download section.
  2. Select Download next to the desired update.
  3. Download the install file and store it on your device.
  4. Depending on your device:
    • If you are updating Windows Runtime for ASEM iPCs or third party devices, run the install file to proceed with the Windows Runtime update.
    • If you are updating Ubuntu 22 Runtime for ASEM iPCs or third party devices, see Ubuntu 22 Runtime installation and configuration.
    • If you are updating the firmware for UBIQUITY routers or OptixPanel, refer to the Update the device firmware section of your device User manual, available on the Literature Library.
Note: Make sure that your device is not restarted while the update is in progress

Over-the-air (OTA) update

Access UBIQUITY Manager to run or schedule automatic updates for your device: