Runtime for Linux Debian 10/Ubuntu 20 Platforms

Execution of UBIQUITY Runtime commands

Use the command line interface (i.e., UbiquityRuntimeCli) to send commands to UbiquityRuntimeService, for example

cd /opt/ASEM/Ubiquity/Runtime/bin
UbiquityRuntimeCli --connect

The complete list of available commands and arguments is available with the –help argument or in the chapter Runtime command line options:

UbiquityRuntimeCli –help


The application log files are written in /opt/ASEM/Ubiquity/Runtime/log.

Connection to the server and registration to a UNIQLOUD domain

After launching the UbiquityRuntimeService with the commands given in the previous step, execute the following commands:

cd /opt/ASEM/Ubiquity/Runtime/bin
UbiquityRuntimeCli --connect
UbiquityRuntimeCli --getAnonymousID

It prints the ID and password to be used for the device registration through UBIQUITY Control Center.


To configure the UBIQUITY Runtime, edit the file config.xml in /opt/ASEM/Ubiquity/Runtime/data while the UbiquityRuntimeService process not running.

Autoreconnection to the server at application startup

<Param Name="ConnectOnServiceStart" Value="<value>" />

where <value> can be:

  • 0: UBIQUITY Runtime does not connect to the server at startup (default)

  • 1: UBIQUITY Runtime connects to the server on startup

Server port

<Param Name="ForcePort" Value="<value>" />

where <value> can be:

  • 0: auto (the application automatically chooses a port between 80, 443, 5935) (default)

  • 80: the application connects to the server port 80

  • 443: the application connects to the server port 443

  • 5935: the application connects to the server port 5935


<Param Name="ProxyType" Value="<value>" />

where <value> can be:

  • 1: proxy not used (default)

  • 2: SOCKS5. Proxy address, port, username and password can be configured as follows:

    <Param Name="ProxyAddress" Value="<value>" />

    <Param Name="ProxyPort" Value="<value>" />

    <Param Name="ProxyUserName" Value="<value>" />

    <Param Name="ProxyPassword" Value="<value>" />

  • 3: HTTP. Proxy address, port, username and password can be configured as follows:

    <Param Name="ProxyAddress" Value="<value>" />

    <Param Name="ProxyPort" Value="<value>" />

    <Param Name="ProxyUserName" Value="<value>" />

    <Param Name="ProxyPassword" Value="<value>" />


<Param Name="VPNAdapterNameList" Value="<value>" />

where <value> is a list of network interfaces separated by semicolons.


<Param Name="VPNAdapterNameList" Value="eth0;eth1" />

VPN static IP pool

<Param Name="VPNStaticIpPoolEnabled" Value="<value>" />

where <value> can be:

  • 0: pool not used (default)

  • 1: use the IP address pool specified in the following configuration:

    <Param Name="VPNStaticIpPool" Value="<value>" />

    where <value> is a list of (starting IP address;ending IP address;mask) separated by semicolons.


    <Param Name="VPNStaticIpPool" Value=";;;;;" />

Internet connection sharing

<Param Name="InternetSharingAdapterNameList" Value="<value>" />

where <value> is a list of network interfaces to which we want to provide Internet connectivity separated by semicolons.


<Param Name="InternetSharingAdapterNameList" Value="eth0;eth1" />

To configure the list of devices that can access the Internet, use the following configurations:

<Param Name="InternetSharingAllowedMacAddressMode" Value="<value>" />

where <value> can be:

  • Any: no filter applied (default)

  • Custom: only the devices with the MAC address specified in the following configuration can obtain Internet connectivity:

    <Param Name="InternetSharingMacAddressWhiteList" Value="<value>" />

    where <value> is a list of MAC addresses separated by semicolons.


    <Param Name="InternetSharingMacAddressWhiteList" Value="00-00-00-00-00-00;11-11-11-11-11-11" />

Configurations for private server (On-premise)

Access Server address

<Param Name="ServerAddress" Value="<AS_address>" />

<Param Name="ServerAddress2" Value="<AS_address>" />

where <AS_address> is the address of the Access Server (e.g,


Please, note that both configurations must contain the same value.

Import of the certificate authority for the SSL certificate

The CA certificate file in the PEM format must be copied in the folder /opt/ASEM/QPlatform/TrustStore with the name CustomCA.pem.