Runtime command line options

The UbiquityRuntimeCli program can be launched using some command options. For example, you can assign these commands to actions coming from an HMI application in order to make the Runtime presence completely transparent.

The executable file UbiquityRuntimeCli is available for UBIQUITY Runtime version 11.10 or higher, however, to maintain compatibility with existing systems, you can still use the executable file Runtime.exe. For more information, see Runtime command line options (legacy version).


Command line parameters are only supported on the following systems: HMI Linux, Linux Debian 10/Ubuntu 20 and Windows, except Windows CE and Windows XP SP2.




It connects “Runtime” to the UBIQUITY servers, making it visible to Control Center. You use this option when Runtime is already running but disconnected, because, as default, runtime connects automatically, unless the option -disconnect is not specified.


If Runtime is already running and connected to the servers, this command disconnects it from them, making Runtime unavailable to the Control Center. Active remote sessions with Control Center is dropped while Runtime continues to run. If Runtime is not running, it will start it, but it will not connect it to the remote assistance service.


It shows the assistance chat window.


It disconnects runtime from the remote assistance service.


It opens or closes the system keyboard.


It opens or closes the system keyboard.


It indicates the Runtime connection status.

Possible values:

  • 0: Runtime not connected to the server

  • 1: Runtime connected to the server

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime


It indicates the number of Control Center supervisors connected to the Runtime.

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime


The ID and password values required to register an anonymous device to a Domain.

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime

  • 2: Runtime is not connected to the UBIQUITY servers

  • 3: device is already registered to a Domain


It enables a request for assistance. If The user must provide contact details when assistance is requested is enabled, then three additional parameters --name, --contact and --description that correspond to the fields Name, Contact information, and Description must be passed. For more information, see Request for Assistance.

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime

  • 2: Runtime is not connected to the UBIQUITY servers

  • 3: The request for assistance cannot be opened


It closes a request for assistance. For more information, see Request for Assistance.

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime

  • 2: Runtime is not connected to the UBIQUITY servers

  • 3: The request for assistance cannot be closed


It checks the status of a request for assistance.

Possible values:

  • 0: An assistance has been requested

  • 1`: No assistance is currently requested

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime

  • 2: Runtime is not connected to the UBIQUITY servers


It checks if a request for assistance can be opened. For more information, see Request for Assistance.

Possible values:

  • 0: The Runtime cannot open a request for assistance

  • 1: The Runtime can open a request for assistance

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime

  • 2: Runtime is not connected to the UBIQUITY servers


It exports connection logs. The parameters --fromDate, --toDate and outputDirectory have to be passed to indicate respectively the start date, end date and directory to which the logs will be exported.

Exit codes:

  • 0: Success

  • 1: Unable to connect to the Runtime

  • 2: Export failed


It is being used only with the Runtime already running. It disconnects and closes runtime.


It shows the Runtime version.

-h, --help

It shows the list of available commands.

Exit codes

The output value of the commands is printed on the standard output (stdout).

Exit codes

The exit codes represent the correct execution of a command or the generated error.

  • 0


  • 1

    Unable to connect to the Runtime.

  • 2, 3

    See table of commands.


<path> identifies the installation path of UBIQUITY Runtime, for example

C:\Program Files (x86)\ASEM\Ubiquity\Runtime\

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" --connect

    It disconnects Runtime from the remote assistance service.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" --disconnect

    It disconnects Runtime from the remote assistance service.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-quit

    Runtime closes permanently.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-showChat\hideChat

    It opens or closes the chat window.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-showKeyboard\hideKeyboard

    It opens or closes the system keyboard.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-remoteAccessServiceConnected

    It indicates the status of the connection with the server.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-remoteAccessSessionCount

    It indicates the number of Control Center supervisors connected to the Runtime.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" --getAnonymousID

    It indicates the ID and the password of the device.

    Below is an example of a Runtime query with a --getAnonymousID parameter using .NET:

    var process = new Process();
    process.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\ASEM\Ubiquity\Runtime\UbiquityRuntimeCli.exe";
    process.StartInfo.Arguments = "--getAnonymousID";
    process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
    process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
    process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
    Console.WriteLine("AnonymousID, Password: " + process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd());
    Console.WriteLine("exit code: " + process.ExitCode);
  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-requestAssistance

    It enables a request for assistance.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-requestAssistance --name "John Doe" --contact "" --description "A brief description of the problem"

    It enables a request for assistance by passing the three parameters Name, Contact information and Description.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-closeAssistance

    It closes a request for assistance.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-canRequestAssistance

    It asks the Runtime if a request for assistance can be openend.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-getRequestAssistanceStatus

    It asks the Runtime about the status of a request for assistance.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" --exportConnectionLog --fromDate "2020-06-06" --toDate "2020-06-07" --outputDirectory "/tmp"

    Export connection logs from 6 June 2020 to 7 June 2020 to the tmp folder.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" -–version

    It shows the Runtime version.

  • "<path>\UbiquityRuntimeCli" –-help

    It shows the available commands.